NEO Scavenger v1.15

NEO Scavenger is a survival game set in a near-future, post-apocalyptic Michigan where your only chance is to outwit the harsh wasteland while uncovering your forgotten identity. From the very first turn, every decision is critical. You choose your starting abilities, map out your routes, scavenge for supplies, and confront whatever dangers—human or otherwise—that cross your path. With each passing minute, your challenges intensify: hunger gnaws, dehydration sets in, fatigue takes hold, and the relentless cold chips away at your body. In a world where every action can decide your fate, your wit and chosen strengths are your greatest assets.

Key Features:
• Unique Setting – Explore the ruins of post-apocalyptic Michigan, a landscape dotted with urban decay, local cryptids, folklore, and mysterious undercurrents lurking beneath the surface.
• Turn-Based Gameplay – There is no rush; every turn lets you carefully plan your next move. Save your progress and resume whenever it suits you, giving you complete control over your pace.
• Permadeath – In NEO Scavenger, death is final. Every choice matters because if you die, your save file is permanently erased. This constant high-stakes environment forces you to think twice about every decision.
• No Grinding – Forget about experience points and leveling up. Progress is measured by how well you learn to navigate the game’s challenges, strategically using your abilities and compensating for your flaws.
• Semi-Random World – Experience a fresh game each time. Many aspects, such as the layout of ruins, creature encounters, weather conditions, and even certain story branches, are randomized, ensuring endless replayability.
• Sandbox or Story Mode – Whether you prefer unraveling the mystery of your identity and the enigmatic past events or simply testing your survival skills against the elements and other survivors, you choose your own path.
• Abilities and Flaws – At the start, pick from a variety of abilities and flaws. Different combinations not only modify how you play but can unlock unique abilities and alter the course of quests.
• Crafting – Use an extensive crafting system that encourages creativity. Transform everyday objects into functional tools—a rifle scope from half a pair of binoculars or a noise trap from a pill bottle and pebbles—to survive the apocalypse.
• Desperate Combat – Engage in detailed, situational combat featuring moves like “Tackle,” “Lure,” “Kick While Down,” “Demand Surrender,” and “Threaten.” Every fight is a test of strategy and nerve.
• Realistic Injuries – Combat and encounters are complex: creatures sustain wounds in multiple locations with realistic effects such as bleeding, infection, and pain, demanding careful health management.
• Realistic Metabolism – Every survival element is tracked. Manage your body’s responses to cold, fatigue, thirst, hunger, disease, and even intoxication as you search for shelter and supplies.
• Inventory Management – Navigate a complex inventory system that mimics real-life logistics. Items take up physical space, and balancing what you carry becomes as tactical as any combat scenario.
• Hex-Based World Map – Travel across a detailed hex map that includes ruins, hills, forests, and plains. Factors like line-of-sight, elevation, and daylight significantly impact your strategy.
• Tracking and Stealth – Both you and the creatures leave behind tracks. Use this to your advantage when stalking game or evading predators, and learn to hide your own trail to stay one step ahead.
• Hunting and Foraging – Secure food and materials by trapping small game for fur or tracking down larger prey. Forage for edible plants and water, using your skills to identify what’s safe to eat in the wilderness.
• Hacking – Utilize your hacking skills to unlock and explore salvaged laptops, cellphones, smartphones, and tablets. Uncover valuable data, snoop into personal files, or mine them for paydata.
• Dynamic Weather – Experience a living world. Temperature, rainfall, and the cycle of day and night mirror real-world autumnal conditions, and if you survive long enough, you may even witness the first snowfall.
• Detroit – Find refuge in one of mankind’s last bastions of safety. In the cyberpunk-inspired city, you can stock up on supplies, receive medical care, and dig deeper into the clues behind your past and the forces pursuing you.
• Haunting Soundtrack – Immerse yourself further in the mood of abandonment and desperation with a haunting soundtrack specially composed for NEO Scavenger, available both in-game and as standalone mp3s.
• Creature AI – Encounter wildlife and other beings with realistic behaviors. Their actions are influenced by morale and survival instincts—they hunt, scavenge, and sometimes gang up to challenge your progress.
NEO Scavenger offers a deep, strategic, and atmospheric survival experience where every decision can be the difference between life and death. Its blend of tactical turn-based gameplay, a richly detailed world, and the looming consequence of permadeath creates a game where survival truly feels like a personal battle against both nature and yourself.
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